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Best Eyeglass Shape for Square Face?

A woman smiling and trying on glasses in a store while being assisted by an optician or optometrist.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the best eyeglass shape for a square face. Some of these include your face’s shape and size, style, and the type of lenses or prescription you need. When choosing glasses for a square face shape, the secret lies in softening and balancing out those strong angles. Here […]

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How Often Should a Child Get an Eye Exam?

A young girl getting her eyes checked.

If you’re a parent and you live with vision problems—whether nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism—you’re likely worried about your child’s vision too. But don’t worry! With regularly scheduled children’s eye exams, you can keep a close eye on your child’s vision and take steps to keep it clear. So how often should your child get an […]

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How Do Multifocal Contact Lenses Work?

A woman putting a contact lens on her right eye using her right hand with her left hand holding her eyelid.

If you’re just getting into the world of contacts, or looking to try a new pair, you might have noticed something: there are a lot of options, especially when you start looking at specialty contacts! You’ve got contacts for myopia control, specialty lenses, colored options, and even bifocals and multifocals. These multifocal contacts are a […]

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