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Category: Eyewear

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What Are the Best Eyeglass Frames for a Round Face?

A close-up view of different eyeglass frames on a white table.

When choosing eyeglass frames, one size does not fit all. Your face shape is a significant factor in determining which frames will flatter your features and highlight your style. Understanding different frame styles and how they complement your face shape can be a game-changer in selecting eyewear. If you have a round face, eyeglass frames […]

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7 Reasons to Buy Glasses From Your Optometrist

Various eyeglass frames from an optometrist's office on white blocks and in front of a white background.

In today’s digital age, the convenience of online shopping has reached every corner of the retail world, including the realm of prescription glasses. However, buying glasses from your optometrist offers advantages beyond just picking a stylish frame.  Whether you’re a long-time glasses wearer or someone new to the world of prescription lenses, purchasing your next […]

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Do Contacts Expire?

A young woman standing holding a contact lens case with a Snellen chart in the background

In the United States, contact lenses are a popular choice for vision correction among approximately 45 million Americans.  These lenses offer a combination of convenience and comfort, making them a preferred option for many. However, users need to understand the lifespan of their contact lenses and how they can be affected over time.  Unlike food, […]

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Best Eyeglass Shape for Square Face?

A woman smiling and trying on glasses in a store while being assisted by an optician or optometrist.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the best eyeglass shape for a square face. Some of these include your face’s shape and size, style, and the type of lenses or prescription you need. When choosing glasses for a square face shape, the secret lies in softening and balancing out those strong angles. Here […]

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